
Page describes about the Postman elements, creation and validation.

Digital Signature Integration Practices

How to test APIs via Postman?

For those that are using Postman to do quick tests and see how the APIs should be called both on identity service and actual document exchange, please use the Postman collection e-Invoice SDK.postman_collection.json (right-click to Save ) and use Postman as per the environment below (right-click to Save ).

Environment Postman Env. File
PROD PROD Env.postman_environment.json
SANDBOX Sandbox Env.postman_environment.json

To install the environments file, follow these steps:

  1. On the top right-hand corner, click on the gear icon named Manage Environments Choose Manage environments

  2. A Manage Environments window will pop-up, click on the Import button and select the right environment file and click Ok Choose the File to Import

  3. A new environment named Sandbox Env or Prod Env should be added to the drop down list on the top right corner, click again on the gear icon and click on the newly added environment named Sandbox Env or Prod Env (Based on the environment you want to work on) Environment available

Note: If you encounter an error message “SSL Error: Self signed certificate in certificate chain” (see image below) on PostMan, click “Disable SSL Verification”. Disable SSL Verification

Alternatively, click on the Gear Icon button at the top right-hand corner to open the Settings. Turn off “SSL Certificate Verification” as shown in the image below. SSL Certificate Verification