Standard Error Response

Page describes the standard error data structure and standard error codes that APIs of e-Invoice are using. If there are specialized error code and messages for a specific API, these are defined in API definition page.

Error Response Structure

Error response is a single JSON object that has name value pair named error. This object can have the elements of type Error as defined in the table below.

Property Type Description Value example
propertyName String The name of the target/subject of the error, e.g., the name of the parameter that caused the error. This might have the value null if the property path cannot be resolved for the target. document
propertyPath String Optional: the path to the target/subject of the error, e.g., the path to the parameter that caused the error. This might have the value null if the property path cannot be resolved for the target. $.InvoiceLineItem[*].InvoicedQuantity.unitCode
errorCode String Error code that client must be able to handle. Error03
error String Human readable error message. If available, message is returned in English language. Previous passwords may not be reused
errorMS String Human readable error message. If available, message is returned in Malay language. Kata laluan lama tidak boleh digunakan semula
target String Optional: the target/subject of the error, e.g., parameter that caused the error. password
innerError innerError[] Optional: list of multiple errors detected that caused overall API call to fail. Used to return all errors in one go so that they all can be corrected by the caller before calling again. Each Error object is of the same structure as defined in this table that allows composition of multiple errors received. <JSON list of Error structures>

Example error responses:

  "status": "Invalid",
  "error": {
    "propertyName": null,
    "propertyPath": null,
    "errorCode": "Error03",
    "error": "Duplicated Submission Validator",
    "errorMS: "Penduaan Sub Validatormission”,
    "innerError": [
        "propertyName": "document",
        "propertyPath": "document",
        "errorCode": "DS302",
        "error": "Duplicated submitted document with UUID 132YBP1HE6GHJ0XSVNW0141J10 where the values of configured attributes match with values for the document with UUID: GJCGP9RWJF7961J8XNW0141J10”,
        "errorMs": "MS-Duplicated submitted document with UUID 132YBP1HE6GHJ0XSVNW0141J10 where the values of configured attributes match with values for the document with UUID: GJCGP9RWJF7961J8XNW0141J10”,
        "innerError": null
  "name": "Step03-Duplicated Submission Validator"

Standard HTTP Status Codes

When returning error structure standard client or server HTTP error status codes must be used.

Additional error codes are used to provide more details on top of the general HTTP Status Code. These details are returned in error structure that are in the body of response.

Commonly used internal error codes of the solution are defined in the table mapped to HTTP Status Code.

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
400 BadRequest Used when supplied parameters are invalid to fulfil the request. Request should not be repeated without modifying the parameters.
400 BadArgument Returned when one of the parameters supplied is not correct. Name of the argument is provided in target field.
401 Unauthorized Used then API requires token to authorize caller, but it was not provided or was malformed or the token had expired.
403 Forbidden Used when client does not have access to the API or data requested.
404 NotFound Used when requested object does not exist.
429 TooManyRequests Returned by API if it called more than throttling limit allows it to be called by a single caller. Retry-After response header in case of this error response contains a number, indicating the seconds remaining for this client to try again.
500 InternalServerError Server encountered error when executing client request.
501 NotImplemented API called or the method requested is not implemented/supported.
503 ServiceUnavailable Returned when solution is encountering internal errors that are causing it to have limited functionality.

Correlation Information

When error is encountered, API returns correlation ID as part of correlationId response header value that can be used to identify the failed request when raising an issue with support team.