Standard Header Parameters

Page describes the standard header parameters that can be used by all APIs of the e-Invoice public API except those where explicitly stated otherwise.

Request Header Parameters

Any API Call

These header parameters apply to all calls to all APIs if not explicitly stated otherwise.

Header parameter Type Description Value example
Accept String Defines the content types that client is able to accept application/json
Accept-Language String May contain the preferred language for response. Supported language values in MyInvois System is en. If supplied by caller and if supported by the API, system will try to return textual data in language preferred. If not supplied, default system language is used. en
Content-type String Defines the type of the message. e-Invoice relies on JSON based content. application/json

Authenticated Call

These header parameters apply to calls to APIs that require authentication and authorization of the callers.

Header parameter Type Description Value example
Authorization String Must contain access token issued prior to this call by identity service. Bearer <Token value>

Response Header Parameters

Any API Call

These header parameters apply to all calls to all APIs if not explicitly stated otherwise.

Header parameter Type Description Value example
Content-type String Defines the type of the message returned. In e-Invoice is is primarily JSON but can also be XML and octet stream for binary content. application/json
correlationId String Defines the unique string value that can be used to track the calls in the system that were made during a single session. Helps in resolving potential problems with integration. JHDSJ8882POY72SG-2828
X-Rate-Limit-Limit Number A number representing the total requests count for this client against API. 1000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining Number A number representing the remaining allowed requests count for this client against API. 900
X-Rate-Limit-Reset DateTime Time in which the count will reset, assuming no further calls were attempted. The header will appear only when the limits have been exceeded. 2020-05-04T12:23:41.6181792Z