Search Documents

This API allows taxpayer's systems to search the documents sent or received which are available on the MyInvois System using various filters.

Get Document Details Search Taxpayer's TIN


The Search Documents API has various enhanced filters for precise queries and provides access to large result set in a paginated way.

Search documents allows users to query the system and return list of documents that have been received or issued.

To invoke this API, users must provide values for either the submissionDateFrom and submissionDateTo filter parameters or the issueDateFrom and issueDateTo filter parameters. Users can combine these optional filters in various ways to obtain precise results.

Results will be returned in a paginated format based on the specified pageSize, allowing users to navigate through multiple pages of results.

Note: The values of the input filter parameters should remain consistent when requesting subsequent pages of results.

Days difference between submissionDateFrom and submissionDateTo filter parameters, and issueDateFrom and issueDateTo filter parameters should not exceed a configured number of days set by e-Invoice system administrators (Current configuration is 31 days).

Results list is ordered based on registration date of the submission descending (newest documents submitted into the e-Invoice system appear first).


This is REST based that accepts the below URL filter parameters to search for documents.

Signature: GET /api/v1.0/documents/search?&uuid={uuid}&submissionDateFrom={submissionDateFrom}&submissionDateTo={submissionDateTo}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNo={pageNo}&issueDateFrom={issueDateFrom}&issueDateTo={issueDateTo}&invoiceDirection={invoiceDirection}&status={status}&documentType={documentType}&searchQuery={searchQuery}

Rate Limit

To optimize the use of our APIs, a rate limit of 12 Requests Per Minute (RPM) / Client ID is recommended.


This API accepts standard e-Invoice API header parameters for authenticated call.

URL parameters accepted:

URL parameter Type Description Value example Requirement
uuid String Optional: Unique ID of the document to retrieve. F9D425P6DS7D8IU Optional
submissionDateFrom DateTime Mandatory (as this or the issue date and time filters): The start date and time when the document was submitted to the e-Invoice API, Time to be supplied in UTC timezone. Mandatory when ‘submissionDateTo’ is provided or issueDate filters are not used. SubmissiondateFrom should be less than SubmissionToDate 2022-11-25T01:59:10Z Mandatory
submissionDateTo DateTime Mandatory (as this or the issue date and time filters): The end date and time when the document was submitted to the e-Invoice API, Time to be supplied in UTC timezone. Mandatory when ‘submissionDateFrom’ is provided or issueDate filters are not used.SubmissiondateFrom should be less than SubmissionToDate 2022-12-22T23:59:59Z Optional
pageSize Number Optional: number of the documents to retrieve per page. Page size cannot exceed system configured maximum page size for this API. Default is 100. PageSize should be greaterthan 0 and less or equal to 100. PageSzie shouldn’t be negative value 100 Optional
pageNo Number Optional: number of the page to retrieve. Typically this parameter value is derived from initial parameter less call when caller learns total amount of page of certain size 3 Optional
issueDateFrom DateTime Mandatory (as this or the submission date and time filters): The start date and time when the document was issued. Mandatory when ‘issueDateTo’ is provided or submissionDate filters are not used.IssuedateFrom should be less than IssueToDate 2021-02-25T23:55:10Z Optional
issueDateTo DateTime Mandatory (as this or the submission date and time filters): The end date and time when the document was issued. Mandatory when ‘issueDateFrom’ is provided or submissionDate filters are not used.IssuedateFrom should be less than IssueToDate 2021-03-10T01:59:10Z Optional
invoiceDirection Text Optional: direction of the document. Possible values: (Sent, Received). When not provided sent and received documents are retrieved. Sent Optional
status Text Optional: status of the document. Possible values: (Valid, Invalid, Cancelled, Submitted) Valid Optional
documentType Text Optional: Unique name of the document type. Possible values: 01 [Invoice], 02 [Credit Note], 03 [Debit Note], 04 [Refund Note], 11 [Self-billed Invoice], 12 [Self-billed Credit Note], 13 [Self-billed Debit Note], 14 [Self-billed Refund Note] 01 Optional
searchQuery Text Optional: Free Text can be given. Possible Search parameters: (uuid,buyerTIN,supplierTIN,buyerName,supplierName,internalID,total ) Special characters are not allowed C2584563200 Optional


Successful Response

This API returns HTTP status code 200.

The resulting structure is part of a single object containing result structure.

Output parameter Type Description Value example
uuid String Unique document ID in e-Invoice 42S512YACQBRSRHYKBXBTGQG22
submissionUID String Unique ID of the submission that document was part of XYE60M8ENDWA7V9TKBXBTGQG10
longId String Unique long temporary Id that can be used to query document data anonymously YQH73576FY9VR57B…
internalId String Internal ID used in submission for the document PZ-234-A
typeName String Unique name of the document type that can be used in submission of the documents. invoice
typeVersionName String Name of the document type version within the document type that can be used in document submission to identify document type version being submitted 1.0
issuerTin String TIN of issuer C2584563200
issuerName String Issuer company name AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
receiverId String Optional: receiver registration number (can be national ID or foreigner ID). BRN example: 201901234567
NRIC example: 770625015324
Passport number example: A12345678
Army number example: 551587706543
receiverName String Optional: receiver name (can be company name or person’s name) AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
dateTimeIssued DateTime The date and time when the document was issued. 2015-02-13T13:15:00Z
dateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time when the document was submitted. 2015-02-13T14:20:00Z
dateTimeValidated DateTime The date and time when the document passed all validations and moved to the valid state. 2015-02-13T14:20:00Z
totalSales Decimal Total sales amount of the document in MYR. 10.10
totalDiscount Decimal Total discount amount of the document in MYR. 50.00
netAmount Decimal Total net amount of the document in MYR. 100.70
total Decimal Total amount of the document in MYR. 124.09
status String Status of the document - Submitted, Valid, Invalid, Cancelled Valid
cancelDateTime Date Refer to the document cancellation that has been initiated by the taxpayer “issuer” of the document on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10Z
rejectRequestDateTime Date Refer to the document rejection request that has been initiated by the taxpayer “receiver” of the document on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10Z
documentStatusReason String Mandatory: Reason of the cancellation or rejection of the document. Examples of reasons: Wrong buyer details or Wrong invoice details or any other reasons as appropriate
createdByUserId String User created the document. Can be ERP ID or User Email C1XXXXXXXX00:9e21b10c-41c4-9323-c590-95abcb6e4e4d
supplierTIN String TIN of issuer C2584563200
supplierName String Supplier company name AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
submissionChannel String Channel through which document was introduced into the system possible values: ERP, Invoicing Portal, InvoicingMobileApp
intermediaryName String Intermediary company name AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
intermediaryTin String TIN of intermediary IG12345678912
intermediaryRob String ROB of intermediary 201901234567
buyerName String Buyer company name AMS Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
buyerTIN String Tin of buyer C2584563200
metadata Metadata Information about the results retrieved or results matching the query See structure
Output parameter Type Description Value example
totalPages Number Total count of pages based on the supplied (or default) page size 23
totalCount Number Total count of matching objects 157

Throttling and Rate limiting

To allow consistent performance for all taxpayers using e-Invoice API and prevent overuse of resources, this API has throttling limits set per taxpayer (current configuration is 1 Request every 5 Seconds). The throttling limit is subject to change by e-Invoice system administrators.

See the standard error response for more details when your calls to the API are throttled.

Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional considerations

Days difference between submissionDateFrom and submissionDateTo filter parameters, and issueDateFrom and issueDateTo filter parameters are currently configured to 31 days. Days difference value can be changed by e-Invoice system administrators.

There are no maximum number of documents that can be returned by this endpoint. You can use the various optional filters to get the desired documents results.

Receiver of the documents can retrieve documents that are in statuses Valid or Cancelled. If document exists, and is issued to given receiver, but status is Submitted or Invalid, document will not be part of the response. Issuer of the documents can retrieve documents in any status. The document validation or public URL can be created using below -


where {envbaseurl} need to be replaced with MyInvois portal Base URL


Important !

• Search document API is designed for your manual auditing requirements and also for troubleshooting issues. This API shouldn't be used for ERP system reconciliation implementation with the MyInvois system. Excessive requests for this API may result in throttling. System may impose limits on the usage policy of this API. These limits will be based on each client ID and hence would be linked to the specific ERP system using the APIs.

• Optimise search queries by applying specific filters and parameters to narrow down the results, improving the efficiency of your searches. Avoid making repetitive searches with identical criteria, and where applicable, cache the results to reduce redundant API calls.

• Always review the integration recommended practices at to ensure your ERP integration is in accordance with these guidelines and follows healthy integration patterns.